GMDSS Handbook
Annex 1-3
Resolution 3: Recommendation on the early introduction of global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) elements


HAVING ADOPTED the amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS Convention) concerning radiocommunications for the global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS),

NOTING resolution A.617(15)* -Implementation of the NAVTEX system as a component of the world- wide navigational warning service, which, inter alia, invites Member Governments to commence NAVTEX broadcasts as soon as practicable,
NOTING ALSO that the use of ship earth stations (SES) is provided for in the Guidelines on equivalents for equipment to introduce elements of the GMDSS (MSC/Circ.417),

NOTING FURTHER that the draft Assembly resolution on the carriage of satellite emergency position- indicating radio beacons (EPIRBs), approved by the Maritime Safety Committee at its fifty-fifth session, recommends that Administrations encourage the early fitting of float-free satellite EPIRBs prior to the date of entry into force of the requirements of chapter IV of the 1988 SOLAS Amendments for the carriage of satellite EPIRBs on ships,

NOTING IN PARTICULAR that the ITU World Administrative Radio Conference for the Mobile Services, 1987 adopted new provisions of the Radio Regulations and adopted Resolution No.331 -Relating to the Introduction of Provisions for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) and the Continuation of the existing Distress and Safety Provisions and revised Resolution No.322 -Relating to Coast Stations and Coast Earth Stations Assuming Watchkeeping Responsibilities on Certain Frequencies in Connection with the Implementation of Distress and Safety Communications for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS),

BEARING IN MIND that digital selective calling (DSC) for all ships and HP direct-printing telegraphy (NBDP) carriage requirements for ships of 300 tons gross tonnage and over but less than 1,600 tons gross tonnage are subject to review in accordance with resolution A.606(15) concerning review and evaluation of the GMDSS,

BEING OF THE OPINION that such elements of the GMDSS as the NAVTEX system, SES, satellite EPIRBs, DSC and HF NBDP are of major benefit to the safety of life at sea,

1. RECOMMENDS that the NAVTEX, satellite EPIRB and SES elements of the GMDSS be introduced as early as possible;

2. INVITES the Maritime Safety Committee to keep these matters under review and take appropriate steps to promote their early introduction;

3. URGES the Maritime Safety Committee to complete the review of DSC for all ships and HF NBDP in accordance with resolution A.606(15) by 1 February 1992, including the possible use of HF NBDP as an alternative to HF DSC.

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