GMDSS Handbook
Annex - 7-8

1. At its fifty-fourth session the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 54/23, paragraph 6.3.1) considered draft recommendations prepared by the thirty-third session of the Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation (NAV 33/15, paragraph 5.1.13) with respect to routeing of distress information in the COSPAS-SARSAT system (NAV 33/5/2 and NAV 33/5/2/ Corr.l) and agreed that the information on the COSPAS-SARSAT distress data distribution system and distress messages derived from that system which rescue co-ordination centres (RCCs) can expect to receive should be circulated to Member Governments.

2. Member Governments are invited to note the information on the COSPAS-SARSAT distress data distribution system, locations of its mission control centres/local user terminals (MCC/LUT) and their service areas, and distress messages to be sent to RCCs, as given in annex, and as soon as possible submit the following information to the IMO Secretariat and the COSPAS-SARSAT Partners:
1. whether their MRCC/ ARCC has established or are planning to establish communication links with the existing or planned COSPAS-SARSAT MCCs/LUTs, which names and locations are given in appendix 2 to annex, to accept distress messages derived from the COSPAS-SARSAT system;
2. if so, which point of contact with the nearest MCC is/will be designated (provide name, location and address) and what means of communications are expected to be used (provide details of communication links); and
3. whether the notification of country of beacon registration is required to be sent to a designated point of contact (provide name, location and address and means of communications).

1.1. The COSPAS-SARSAT system uses low-altitude polar orbiting satellites to improve the detection and location of emergency signals from 121.5 MHz and 406 MHz beacon provided by other terrestrial means.
1.2. The principle of alert data distribution adopted by the COSPAS-SARSAT Partners, consistent with established international SAR practices, requires that alert data be made available with minimum delay and by the most appropriate means to the SAR authority responsible for the area where the detected distress beacon is located. The detection area of the 406 MHz beacon is the globe. The expeditious distribution of alert data is dependent on the communication links available and the distribution procedures adopted. In addition, it is important to prevent overloading of responsible SAR authorities by reducing redundant data by filtering.
1.3. Coverage areas of the existing LUTs is given in appendix 1
2.1. The existing operations plan details the procedures and communications links for the distribution of COSPAS-SARSAT alert data throughout the world. The LUTs receive the signals relayed by the satellites from the distress beacons. The signals are processed and messages sent to the national MCC for distribution.
Each MCC distributes the alert data to any nation agreeing to accept such information according to the unique requirements and procedures within its service area. The data are provided to SAR points of contact (SPOCs) which are RCCs and other recognised points of contact that will use the information to enable fast and effective rescue of persons in distress. Additionally, any MCC receiving alert data relating to a distress beacon within another MCCs service area or elsewhere in the world will relay that information to the other MCC or the appropriate SPOC. Furthermore, when an MCC acquires 406 MHz alert data, it can determine the country registering the transmitting beacon. This information can be forwarded to the country of registration. This service is only provided through specific arrangements with the COSPAS-SARSAT Parties and does not replace or affect routine international procedures used by SAR authorities. Redundant alert messages are filtered by MCCs using agreed parameters detailed in the plan; However, it is still possible that some SAR authorities will receive redundant data.
2.2. Locations and details of communications of the existing MCCs are given in appendix 2. Examples of COSPAS-SARSAT alert messages to be sent to RCCs are given in appendix 3
3.1. To optimize the Operations Plan for the world-wide distribution of alert data it is expected in future to introduce data distribution centres (DDCs), the main functions of a DDC will be as follows:
1. to enhance the distribution of 406 MHz global data
2. to improve operational efficiency by filtering redundant data prior to notifying SAR authorities; and
3. to prevent data loss in the event of a system element being non-operational
3.2. Each DDC receives alert data from MCCs situated within its service area, as well as from other DDCs. It redistributes global alert data to MCCs and SPOCs located within its service area or to another DDC if the distress position is within the other DDCs service area. The DDCs service areas will cover the world. The DDC will filter redundant data, thus providing SAR authorities with pertinent messages only. In the event that a DDC is not operational, an established alternate DDC will undertake the distribution responsibilities for the service area. The alternate DDC may be located at another site within the service area and may have a limited capability, as compared to the primary DDC, but it will be capable of providing basic DDC services. The alternate DDC prevents alert data loss when a COSPAS-SARSAT ground system element is not operational and is a key factor in assuring the continuous flow of alert data.
3.3. Conclusion The existing Operations Plan achieves the objective of timely world-wide distribution of alert data to SAR authorities. The procedures also prevent overloading caused by redundant SAR data. In the long term it is planned to optimise the Operations Plan by introducing DDCs which would enhance the world-wide distribution of 406 MHz global data, more efficiently reduce redundant data, and prevent data loss in the event of failure of system elements.
Radio Officer � 2002 Edition