HAVING ADOPTED the amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS Convention) concerning radiocommunications for the global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS),
RECOGNIZING that the operation of the GMDSS is dependent upon implementation of the GMDSS by Contracting Governments in an effective manner ,
RECOGNISING FURTHER that Contracting Governments will be required to continually assess the requirements and means of attaining the goals and objectives of the GMDSS,
NOTING regulation IV /15.7 which refers to recommendations concerning the methods of equipment maintenance which are to be developed by the Organisation,
1. REQUESTS the Maritime Safety Committee to periodically review the requirements of regulation IV /15.7 in the light of experience gained;
2. FURTHER requests the Secretary-General to circulate the results of these periodic reviews to Member Governments for their consideration.