1. The Sub-Committee on Radiocommunications (COM) at its thirty-sixth session (10 to 14 December 1990) (COM 36/21, paragraphs 8.5 to 8.9) noted information provided by the United States (COM 36/8/1) on the potentially serious problem of harmful interference being caused to the COSPAS-SARSAT system by transmissions from meteorological wind pro filers (ground based pulsed radars, which measure wind direction and speed as a function of altitude and work in the 402-406 MHz frequency band adjacent to the 406 MHz band used by satellite EPIRBs operating through the COSPAS-SARSAT system).
2. The COM Sub-Committee also noted similar concern expressed by Australia (COM 36/8/4) with respect to interference from wind profiler radars and to possible interference by near frequency users, i.e. between the 1.6 GHz INMARSAT down link frequency for EGC and 1,544.5 MHz COSPAS-SARSAT.
3. The COM Sub-Committee further noted a report of CCIR IWP 8/14 to CCIR IWP 8/15 (COM 36/8/1, annex), which has prepared the technical bases for the mobile and mobile satellite service for W ARC-92, on the potential interference from wind profiler radars to the COSPAS-SARSAT system. The report analyses the possible problem and concludes that particular attention should be given to the need to protect the COSPAS- SARSAT system.
4. The COM Sub-Committee noted information from CCIR concerning a CCIR study on this matter and concurred with the conclusions of CCIR IWP 8/15 (COM 36/WP.11, annex 5).
5. The Sub-Committee was of the opinion that all Administrations should disallow the operation of any additional wind profiler radars in the 402-406 MHz frequency band until such time as the CCIR completes its study and makes its recommendation(s).
6. The Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) concurred with the opinion of the Sub-Committee (MSC 59/33, paragraphs 9.21 and 9.22) and instructed the Secretariat to bring above opinion to the attention of Member Governments and WMO by MSC Circular .
7. Member Governments are invited to bring to the attention of their meteorological services the harmful interference caused by wind profiler radars and to ensure, as far as possible, that appropriate studies are undertaken in response to CCIR Question 102/8.