GMDSS Handbook
Annex - 9-1
Procedure to be Applied by Administrations and the IFRB to Co-ordinate the Planned Use of the Frequency 518 kHz for the Transmission by Coast Stations of Navigational and Meteorological Warnings and Urgent Information to Ships by Means of Automatic Narrow-Band Direct-Printing Telegraphy (International NAVTEX System)
1631 Mob-87 § 1. (1) Before an administration notifies to the Board a frequency assignment to a coast station for the transmission of navigational and meteorological warnings and urgent information to ships by means of automatic narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy, it shall co-ordinate the assignment with any other administration with an assignment in the same frequency band which might be affected.
1632 Mob-87 (2) To this effect, the administration shall communicate to the Board, not earlier than one year before the proposed date of bringing the assignment into use, the information listed in Section A of Appendix 1 together with the following additional characteristics :
a) the B1 character (transmitter coverage area identifier) to be used by the coast station ;
b) the regular transmission schedule assigned to the station :
c) the duration of transmissions :
d) the ground-wave coverage area of the transmission.
  (3) The administration shall also indicate the results of any co-ordination1 already effected in relation with the projected use.
1632.1 Mob-87 1) Administrations are strongly recommended to co-ordinate the above characteristics in accordance with the procedures of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
1633 Mob-87 (4) In order to enable the procedure to be completed in good time before notification under No.1214, the administrations should communicate the above information not later than six months before the proposed date of bringing the assignment into use.
1634 Mob-87 § 2. In cases where the Board finds that a basic characteristic or any of the additional characteristics is missing, it shall return the request by airmail, stating the reason, unless the information not provided is immediately forthcoming in response to an enquiry of the Board.
1635 Mob-87 § 3. The Board shall examine the proposed use with respect to assignments to stations of other services to which the band 517.5- 518.5 kHz is allocated, notified under No.1214 at an earlier date, and shall identify the administrations whose assignments are likely to be affected.
1636 Mob-87 § 4. The Board shall, within 45 days of the receipt of the complete information, publish it in a special section of its weekly circular indicating any co-ordination already effected and the names of administrations identified in application of No. 1635. The Board shall communicate a copy of this publication to the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), the International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO), and the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), requesting them to communicate to the administrations concerned, with a copy to the Board, any information which may assist in reaching agreement on co-ordination.
1637 Mob-87 § 5. On expiry of a period of four months from the date of publication of the information in the special section, the administration responsible for the assignment should notify it to the Board in accordance with No.1214, indicating the names of administrations with which agreement has been reached and those which have signified their disagreement.
1638 Mob-87 § 6. Upon receipt of the notice, the Board shall request those administrations named in the special section which have not communicated their agreement or disagreement with respect to the proposed use to signify within a period of 30 days their decision on the matter .
1639 Mob-87 § 7. An administration which does not reply to the Board's request made under No.1638 or fails to signify a decision on the matter shall be deemed to have undertaken :
1640 Mob-87 a) that no complaint will be made in respect of any harmful interference which may be caused to its stations by the proposed use ;
1641 Mob-87 b) that its stations will not cause harmful interference to the proposed use.
1642 Mob-87 § 8. When examining the proposed use in accordance with Article 12, the Board shall apply the provisions of No.1245, except with respect to those assignments for which the administration responsible has signified its disagreement with respect to the proposed use.
1643 Mob-87 § 9. The Board shall examine the notified assignments in accordance with No.1241 on the basis of its technical standards and shall record them in accordance with the pertinent provisions of Article 12. The recording shall contain symbols reflecting the result of the application of this procedure.
1644 Mob-87 § 10. The Board shall, at appropriate intervals, update and publish the data referred to in No.1637 in a special list in an appropriate format.
1645 to 1655 NOT allocated.
Radio Officer © 2002 Edition