SOLAS 74/78
Life-saving appliances and arrangements
Part A
Regulation 1 Application |
1 Unless expressly provided otherwise, this chapter shall apply to ships the keels or which are laid or which are at a similar stage or construction on or after 1 July l986.
2 For the purpose of this chapter, the term a similar stage of construction means the stage at which: |
.1 construction identifiable with a specific ship begins; and
.2 assembly or that ship has commenced comprising at least 50 tonnes or 1% of the estimated mass or all structural material, whichever is less.
3 For the purpose of this chapter: |
.1 the expression ships constructed means ships the keels of which are laid or which are at a similar stage of construction;
.2 the expression all ships means ships constructed before, on or after 1 July 1986; the expressions all passenger ships and all cargo ships shall be constructed accordingly;
.3 a cargo ship, whenever built, which is converted to a passenger ship shall be treated as a passenger ship constructed on the date on which such a conversion commences.
4 For ships constructed before 1 July 1986, the Administration shall: |
.1 ensure that, subject to the provisions of paragraph 4.2 and 4.3, the requirements which are applicable under chapter III of the international Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, in force prior to 1 July 1986 to new or existing ships as prescribed by that chapter are complied with;
.2 consider the life-saving appliances and arrangements in ships which do not comply with the requirements referred to in paragraph 4.1, with a view to securing, so far as this is reasonable and practicable and as early as possible, substantial compliance with those requirements;
.3 ensure that when life-saving appliances or arrangements on such ships are replaced or such ships undergo repairs, alterations or modifications of a major character which involve replacement of, or any addition to, their existing life-saving appliances or arrangements, such life-saving appliances or arrangements, in so far as is reasonable and practicable, comply with the requirements of this chapter. However, if a survival craft is replaced without replacing its launching appliance, or vice versa, the survival craft or launching appliance may be of the same type as that replaced;
.4 approve the life-saving appliances to be provided in compliance with paragraph 6. The Administration may permit those life-saving appliances provided on board ships prior to 1 July 1991 not to comply fully with the requirements of this chapter as long as they remain in a satisfactory condition;
.5 except as provided for survival craft and launching appliances referred to in paragraph 4.3, ensure that life-saving appliances replaced or installed on or after 1 July 1991 are evaluated, tested and approved in accordance with the requirements of regulations 4 and 5.
5 With respect to ships constructed before 1 July 1986, the requirements of regulations 8, 9, 10, 18, 21.3, 21.4, 25, 26.3, 27.2, 27.3 and 30.2.7 and, to the extent prescribed therein, regulation 19 shall apply.
6 With respect to ships constructed before 1 February 1992, regulation 6.2 shall apply not later than 1 February 1995. |
Part B
Ship requirements
Regulation 6 Communications |
1 Paragraph 2 applies to all passenger ships and to all cargo ships of 300 tons gross tonnage and upwards. With respect to ships constructed before 1 February 1992, paragraph 2 shall apply not later than 1 February 1995. However, ships other than cargo ships of 300 tans gross tonnage and upwards but less than 500 tons gross tonnage which do not comply with paragraph 2 shall comply with all applicable requirements of chapter III of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, in force prior to 1 February 1992.
2 Radio life-saving appliances
2.1 Two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus
2.1.1 At least three two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus shall be provided on every passenger ship and on every cargo ship of 500 tons gross tonnage and upwards. At least two two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus shall be provided on every cargo ship of 300 tons gross tonnage and upwards but less than 500 tons gross tonnage. Such apparatus shall conform to performance standards not inferior to those adopted by the Organization. If a fixed two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus is fitted in a survival craft it shall conform to performance standards not inferior to those adopted by the Organization.
2.1.2 Two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus provided on board ships prior to 1 February 1992 and not complying fully with the performance standards adopted by the Organization may be accepted by the Administration until 1 February 1999 provided the Administration is satisfied that they are compatible with approved two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus.
2.2 Radar transponders At least one radar transponder shall be carried on each side of every passenger ship and of every cargo ship of 500 tons gross tonnage and upwards. At least one radar transponder shall be carried on every cargo ship of 300 tons gross tonnage and upwards but less than 500 tons gross tonnage. Such radar transponders shall conform to performance standards not inferior to those adopted by the Organization. The radar transponders shall be stowed in such locations that they can be rapidly placed In any survival craft other than the liferaft or liferafts required by regulation 26.1.4. Alternatively, one radar transponder shall be stowed in each survival craft other than those required by regulation 26.1.4.
3 Distress flares Not less than 12 rocket parachute flares, complying with the requirements of regulation 35, shall be carried and be stowed on or near the navigating bridge.
4 On-board communications and alarm systems
4.1 An emergency means comprising either fixed or portable equipment or both shall be provided for two-way communications between emergency control stations, muster and embarkation stations and strategic positions on board.
4.2 A general emergency alarm system complying with the requirements of regulation 50 shall be provided and shall be used for summoning passengers and crew to muster stations and to initiate the actions included in the muster list. The system shall be supplemented by either a public address system or other suitable means of communication. |
Regulation 10 Manning of survival craft and supervision |
1 This regulation applies to all ships.
2 There shall be a sufficient number of trained persons on board for mustering and assisting untrained persons.
3 There shall be a sufficient number of crew members, who may be deck officers or certificated persons, on board for operating the survival craft and launching arrangements required for abandonment by the total number of persons on board.
4 A deck officer or certificated person shall be placed in charge of each survival craft to be used. However, the Administration, having due regard to the nature of the voyage, the number of persons on board and the characteristics of the ship, may permit persons practised in the handling and operation or liferafts to be placed in charge of liferafts in lieu of persons qualified as above. A second-in-command shall also be nominated In the case of lifeboats
5 The person in charge of the survival craft shall have a list of the survival craft crew and shall see that the crew under his command are acquainted with their duties. In lifeboats the second-in-command shall also have a list of the lifeboat crew.
6 Every motorized survival craft shall have a person assigned who is capable of operating the engine and carrying out minor adjustments.
7 The master shall ensure the equitable distribution of persons referred to in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 among the ship's survival craft. |
Part C
Life-saving appliance requirements
Regulation 38 General requirements for liferafts |
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3 Liferaft fittings
3.1 Lifelines shall be securely becketed around the inside and outside of the liferaft.
3.2 The liferaft shall be fitted with an efficient painter of length equal to not less than twice the distance from the stowed position to the waterline In the lightest seagoing condition or 15 m whichever is the greater.
4 Davit-launched liferafts
4.1 In addition to the above requirements, a liferaft for use with an approved launching appliance shall: |
.1 when the liferaft is loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment, be capable of withstanding a lateral impact against the ship's side at an impact velocity of not less than 3.5 m/s and also a drop into the water from a height of not less than 3 m without damage that will affect its function;
.2 be provided with means for bringing the liferaft alongside the embarkation deck and holding it securely during embarkation.
4.2 Every passenger ship davit-launched liferaft shall be so arranged that it can be rapidly boarded by its full complement of persons.
4.3 Every cargo ship davit-launched liferaft shall be so arranged that it can be boarded by its full complement or persons in not more than 3 min from the time the instruction to board is given.
5 Equipment
5.1 The normal equipment or every liferaft shall consist of: |
.1 one buoyant rescue quoit, attached to not less than 30 m of buoyant line;
.2 one knife of the non-folding type having a buoyant handle and lanyard attached and stowed in a pocket on the exterior of the canopy near the point at which the painter is attached to the liferaft. In additions a liferaft which is permitted to accommodate 13 persons or more shall be provided with a second knife which need not be of the non-folding type;
.3 for a liferaft which is permitted to accommodate not more than 12 persons, one buoyant bailer. For a liferaft which is permitted to accommodate 13 persons or more, two buoyant bailers;
.4 two sponges;
.5 two sea-anchors each with a shock-resistant hawser and tripping line, one being spare and the other permanently attached to the liferaft in such a way that when the liferaft inflates or is waterborne it will cause the liferaft to lie oriented to the wind in the most stable manner. The strength of each sea-anchor and its hawser and tripping line shall be adequate for all sea conditions. The sea-anchors shall be fitted with a swivel at each end or the line and shall be of a type which is unlikely to turn inside-out between its shroud lines;
.6 two buoyant paddles;
.7 three tin-openers (safety knives containing special tin-opener blades are satisfactory for this requirements);
.8 one first-aid outfit in a waterproof case capable of being closed tightly after use;
.9 one whistle or equivalent sound signal;
.10 four rocket parachute flares complying with the requirements of regulation 35;
.11 six hand flares complying with the requirements of regulation 36;
.12 two buoyant smoke signals complying with the requirements of regulation 37;
.13 one waterproof electric torch suitable for Morse signaling, together with one spare set of batteries and one spare bulb in a waterproof container;
.14 an efficient radar reflector, unless a survival craft radar transponder is stowed in the liferaft;
.15 one daylight signaling mirror with instructions on its use for signaling to ships and aircraft;
.16 one copy of the life-saving signals referred to in regulation V/16 on a waterproof card or in a waterproof container;
.17 one set of fishing tackle;
.18 a food ration totaling not less than 10,000 kJ for each person the liferaft is permitted to accommodate; these rations shall be kept in airtight packaging and be stowed in a watertight container;
.19 watertight receptacles containing a total or 1.5L of fresh water for each person the liferaft is permitted to accommodate, of which 0.5L per person may be replaced by a de-salting apparatus capable of producing an equal amount of fresh water in 2 days;
.20 one rustproof graduated drinking vessel;
.21 six doses of anti-seasickness medicine and one seasickness bag for each person the liferaft is permitted to accommodate;
.22 instructions on how to survive;
.23 instructions for immediate action;
.24 thermal protective aids complying with the requirements of regulation 34 sufficient for l0% of the number of persons the liferaft is permitted to accommodate or two, whichever is the greater.
5.2 The marking required by regulations and 40.7.7 on liferafts equipped in accordance with paragraph 5.1 shall be SOLAS A PACK in block capitals of the Roman alphabet.
5.3 In the case of passenger ships engaged on short international voyages of such a nature and duration that, in the opinion of the Administration, not all the items specified in paragraph 5.1 are necessary, the Administration may allow the liferafts carried on any such ships to be provided with the equipment specified in paragraphs 5.1.1 to 5.1.6 inclusive, 5.1.8, 5.1.9, 5.1.13 to 5.1.16 inclusive and 5.1.21 to 5.1.24 inclusive and one half of the equipment specified in paragraphs 5.1.l0 to 5.1.12 inclusive. The marking required by regulations and 40.7.7 on such liferaft shall be SOLAS B PACK in block capitals of the Roman alphabet.
5.4 Where appropriate the equipment shall be stowed in a container which, if it is not an integral part of, or permanently attached to, the liferaft, shall be stowed and secured inside the liferaft and be capable of floating in water for at least 30 min without damage to its contents.
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Regulation 41 General requirements for lifeboats |
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7 Lifeboat fittings
7.1 All lifeboats shall be provided with at least one drain valve fitted near the lowest point in the hull, which shall automatically open to drain water from the hull when the lifeboat is not waterborne and shall automatically close to prevent entry of water when. the lifeboat is waterborne. Each drain. valve shall be provided with a cap or plug to close the valve, which shall be attached to the lifeboat by a lanyard, a chain, or other suitable means. Drain valves shall be readily accessible from inside the lifeboat and their position shall be clearly indicated.
7.2 All lifeboats shall be provided with a rudder and tiller. When a wheel or other remote steering mechanism is also provided, the tiller shall be capable of controlling the rudder in case of failure of the steering mechanism. The rudder shall be permanently attached to the lifeboat. The tiller shall be permanently installed on, or linked to, the rudder stock; however, if the lifeboat has a remote steering mechanism, the tiller may be removable and securely stowed near the rudder stock. The rudder and tiller shall be so arranged as not to be damaged by operation of the release mechanism or the propeller.
7.3 Except in the vicinity of the rudder and propeller, a buoyant lifeline shall be becketed around the outside or the lifeboat.
7.4 Lifeboats which are not self-righting when capsized shall have suitable handholds on the underside or the hull to enable persons to cling to the lifeboat. The handholds shall be fastened to the lifeboat In such a way that, when subjected to an impact sufficient to cause them to break away from the lifeboat, they break away without damaging the lifeboat.
7.5 All lifeboats shall be fitted with sufficient watertight lockers or compartments to provide for the storage of the small items of equipment, water and provisions required by paragraph 8. Means shall be provided for the storage of collected rainwater.
7.6 Every lifeboat to be launched by a fall or falls shall be fitted with a release mechanism complying with the following requirements: |
.1 The mechanism shall be so arranged that all hooks are released simultaneously.
.2 The mechanism shall have two release capabilities as follows:
.2.1 a normal release capability which will release the lifeboat when it is waterborne or when there is no load on the hooks;
.2.2 an on-load release capability which will release the lifeboat with a load on the books. This release shall be so arranged as to release the lifeboat under any conditions of loading from no-load with the lifeboat waterborne to a load of 1.1 times the total mass of the lifeboat when loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment. This release capability shall be adequately protected against accidental or premature use.
.3 The release control shall be clearly marked in a color that contrasts with its surroundings,
.4 The mechanism shall be designed with a factor of safety of 6 based on the ultimate strength of the materials used, assuming the mass of the lifeboat is equally distributed between the falls.
7.7 Every lifeboat shall be fitted with a release device to enable the forward painter to be released when under tension.
7.8 Every lifeboat which is fitted with a fixed two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus with an antenna which is separately mounted shall be provided with arrangements for siting and securing the antenna effectively in its operating position.
7.9 Lifeboats intended for launching down the side of a ship shall have skates and fenders as necessary to facilitate launching and prevent damage to the lifeboat.
7.10 A manually controlled lamp visible on a dark night with a clear atmosphere at a distance of at least 2 miles for a period of not less than 12 h shall be fitted to the top of the cover or enclosure. If the light is a flashing light, it shall initially flash at a rate of not less than 50 flashes per minute over the first 2 h of operation of the 12 h operating period.
7.11 A lamp or source of light shall be fitted inside the lifeboat to provide illumination for not less than 12 h to enable reading of survival and equipment instructions; however, oil lamps shall not be permitted for this purpose.
7.12 Unless expressly provided otherwise, every lifeboat shall be provided with effective means of bailing or be automatically self-balling.
7.13 Every lifeboat shall be so arranged that an adequate view forward, aft and to both sides is provided from the control and steering position for safe launching and maneuvering.
8 Lifeboat equipment
All items of lifeboat equipment, whether required by this paragraph or elsewhere in this chapter, with the exception of boat-hooks which shall be kept free for fending off purposes, shall be secured within the lifeboat by lashings, storage in lockers or compartments, storage in brackets or similar mounting arrangements or other suitable means. The equipment shall be secured in such a manner as not to interfere with any abandonment procedures. All items of lifeboat equipment shall be as small and of as little mass as possible and shall be packed in a suitable and compact form. Except where otherwise stated, the normal equipment of every lifeboat shall consist of: |
.1 sufficient buoyant oars to make headway in calm seas. Thole pins, crutches or equivalent arrangements shall be provided for each oar provided. Thole pins or crutches shall be attached to the boat by lanyards or chains;
.2 two boat-hooks;
.3 a buoyant bailer and two buckets;
.4 a survival manual;
.5 a binnacle containing an efficient compass which is luminous or provided with suitable means of illumination. In a totally enclosed lifeboat, the binnacle shall be permanently fitted at the steering position; in any other lifeboat, it shall be provided with suitable mounting arrangements;
.6 a sea-anchor of adequate size fitted with a shock-resistant hawser and a tripping line which provides a firm hand grip when wet. The strength of the sea-anchor, hawser and tripping line shall be adequate for all sea conditions;
.7 two efficient painters of a length equal to not less than twice the distance from the stowage position of the lifeboat to the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition or 15 m, whichever is the greater. One painter attached to the release device required by regulation 41.7.7 shall be placed at the forward end of the lifeboat and the other shall be firmly secured at or near the bow of the lifeboat ready for use;
.8 two hatchets, one at each end of the lifeboat;
.9 watertight receptacles containing a total of 3L of fresh water for each person the lifeboat is permitted to accommodate, of which 1L per person may be replaced by a de-salting apparatus capable of producing an equal amount of fresh water in 2 days;
.10 a rustproof dipper with lanyard;
.11 a rustproof graduated drinking vessel;
.12 a food ration totaling not less than 10,000 kJ for each person the lifeboat is permitted to accommodate; these rations shall be kept in airtight packaging and be stowed in a watertight container;
.13 four rocket parachute flares complying with the requirements of regulation 35;
.14 six hand flares complying with the requirements of regulation 36;
.15 two buoyant smoke signals complying with the requirements of regulation 37;
.16 one waterproof electric torch suitable for Morse signaling, together with one spare set of batteries and one spare bulb in a waterproof container;
.17 one daylight signaling mirror with instructions for its use for signaling to ships and aircraft;
.18 one copy of the life-saving signals referred to in regulation V/16 on a waterproof card or in a waterproof container;
.19 one whistle or equivalent sound signal;
.20 a first-aid outfit in a waterproof case capable of being closed tightly after use;
.21 six doses of anti-seasickness medicine and one seasickness bag for each person;
.22 a jack-knife to be kept attached to the boat by a lanyard;
.23 three tin-openers;
.24 two buoyant rescue quoits, attached to not less than 30 m of buoyant line;
.25 a manual pump; .26 one set of fishing tackle;
.27 sufficient tools for minor adjustments to the engine and its accessories;
.28 portable fire-extinguishing equipment suitable for extinguishing oil fires;
.29 a searchlight capable of effectively illuminating a light-coloured object at night having a width of 18 m at a distance of 180 m for a total period of 6 h and on working for not less than 3 h continuously;
.30 an efficient radar reflector, unless a survival craft radar transponder is stowed in the lifeboat;
.31 thermal protective aids complying with the requirements of regulation 34 sufficient for 10% of the number of persons the lifeboat is permitted to accommodate or two, whichever is the greater;
.32 in the case of ships engaged on voyages of such a nature and duration that, in the opinion of the Administration, the items specified in paragraphs 8.12 and 8.26 are unnecessary, the Administration may allow these items to be dispensed with.
9 Lifeboat markings
9.1 The dimensions of the lifeboat arid the number of persons which it is permitted to accommodate shall be marked on it in clear permanent characters.
9.2 The name and part of registry of the ship to which the lifeboat belongs shall be marked on each side of the lifeboat's bow in block capitals of the Roman alphabet.
9.3 Means of identifying the ship to which the lifeboat belongs and the number of the lifeboat shall be marked in such a way that they are visible from above. |
Regulation 42 Partially enclosed lifeboats |
1 Partially enclosed lifeboats shall comply with the requirements of regulation 41 and in addition shall comply with the requirements of this regulation.
2 Every partially enclosed lifeboat shall be provided with effective means of bailing or be automatically self-bailing.
3 Partially enclosed lifeboats shall be provided with permanently attached rigid covers extending over not less than 20% of the length of the lifeboat from the stem and not less than 20% of the length or the lifeboat from the aftermost part of the lifeboat. The lifeboat shall be fitted with a permanently attached foldable canopy which together with the rigid covers completely encloses the occupants of the lifeboat in a weatherproof shelter and protects them from exposure. The canopy shall be so arranged that: |
.1 it is provided with adequate rigid sections or battens to permit erection or the canopy;
.2 it can be easily erected by not more than two persons;
.3 it is insulated to protect the occupants against heat and cold by means of not less than two layers of material separated by an air gap or other equally efficient means; means shall be provided to prevent accumulation of water in the air gap;
.4 its exterior is of a highly visible color and its interior is of a color which does not cause discomfort to the occupants;
.5 it has entrances at both ends and on each side, provided with efficient adjustable closing arrangements which can be easily and quickly opened and closed from inside or outside so as to permit ventilation but exclude seawater, wind and cold; means shall be provided for holding the entrances securely in the open and closed position;
.6 with the entrances closed, it admits sufficient air for the occupants at all times;
.7 it has means for collecting rainwater;
.8 the occupants can escape in the event of the lifeboat capsizing.
4 The interior of the lifeboat shall be of a highly visible color.
5 If a fixed two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus is fluted in the lifeboat, it shall be installed in a cabin large enough to accommodate both the equipment and the person using it. No separate cabin is required if the construction of the lifeboat provides a sheltered space to the satisfaction of the Administration. |